Rational Design and Construction of Viral Based Products
Selected Publications
Computational based design and tracking of synthetic variants of Porcine circovirus reveal relations between silent genomic information and viral fitness.Baron L, Atar S, Zur H, Roopin M, Goz E, Tuller T. Sci Rep. 2021 May 19;11(1):10620
Algorithms for ribosome traffic engineering and their potential in improving host cells' titer and growth rate. Zur H, Cohen-Kupiec R, Vinokour S, Tuller T. Sci Rep. 2020 Dec 3;10(1):21202
Evolutionary selection against short nucleotide sequences in viruses and their related hosts. Zarai Y, Zafrir Z, Siridechadilok B, Suphatrakul A, Roopin M, Julander J, Tuller T. DNA Res. 2020 Apr 1;27(2):dsaa008
Universal evolutionary selection for high dimensional silent patterns of information hidden in the redundancy of viral genetic code. Goz E, Zafrir Z, Tuller T. Bioinformatics. 2018 Oct 1;34(19):3241-3248. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/bty351
Generation and comparative genomics of synthetic dengue viruses. Goz E, Tsalenchuck Y, Benaroya RO, Zafrir Z, Atar S, Altman T, Julander J, Tuller T. BMC Bioinformatics. 2018 May 8;19(Suppl 6):140.
Evidence of translation efficiency adaptation of the coding regions of the bacteriophage lambda.Goz E, Mioduser O, Diament A, Tuller T. DNA Res. 2017 Aug 1;24(4):333-342
Evidence of a Direct Evolutionary Selection for Strong Folding and Mutational Robustness Within HIVCoding Regions. Goz E, Tuller T. J Comput Biol. 2016 Aug;23(8):641-50.
Multiple roles of the coding sequence 5' end in gene expression regulation. Tuller T, Zur H. Nucleic Acids Res. 2015 Jan;43(1):13-28.
Widespread signatures of local mRNA folding structure selection in four Dengue virus serotypes. Goz E, Tuller T. BMC Genomics. 2015;16 Suppl 10:S4.
Rationally designed, heterologous S. cerevisiae transcripts expose novel expression determinants. Ben-Yehezkel T, Atar S, Zur H, Diament A, Goz E, Marx T, Cohen R, Dana A, Feldman A, Shapiro E, Tuller T.RNA Biol. 2015;12(9):972-84.
Exploiting hidden information interleaved in the redundancy of the genetic code without prior knowledge. Zur H, Tuller T. Bioinformatics. 2015 Apr 15;31(8):1161-8.
Hadas Zur, Tamir Tuller. New universal rules of eukaryotic translation initiation fidelity. PLoS Comput Biol. 9(7), 2013.
Shlomi Reuveni*, Isaac Meilijson, Martin Kupiec, Eytan Ruppin, Tamir Tuller. Genome-scale analysis of translation elongation with a ribosome flow model. PLoS Comput Biol. 2011 Sep;7(9):e1002127
Tamir Tuller, Asaf Carmi, Kalin Vestsigain, Sivan Navon, Yuval Dorfan, John Zaborske, Tao Pan, Orna Dahan, Itay Furman, Yitzhak Pilpel. An evolutionarily conserved mechanism for controlling the efficiency of protein translation. Cell. 2010 Apr 16;141(2):344-54
Tamir Tuller, Yedael Y. Waldman, Martin Kupiec, Eytan Ruppin. Translation Efficiency Is Determined By Both Codon Bias and Folding Energy.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 2010 Feb 2
T Tuller. Challenges and Obstacles Related to Solving the Codon Bias Riddles. To appear in Biochemical Society Transactions. 2013